Applicability / 适用性

This is only for extraction of DTBs on devices with encrypted DTBs, ampart can work on boxes with non-encrypted DTBs directly. You would only need to do this if running ampart result in a failure with the following log:

DTB read partitions and report: Unrecognizable DTB, magic 9d8c8056

This is only for experienced Amlogic device tinkers. If done incorrectly you could brick your device and have to debrick it with a stock Android firmware, which will result in loss of your data on eMMC, you have been warned and take your own risk.

Requirements / 需求

  • Bootable Android firmware on the box with encrypted DTBs
  • Bootable external Linux system on the box where ampart is executable
  • ADB access through network on Android
  • A Linux machine seperate from the box for operation where adb and dtc are available

Steps / 步骤

  1. Boot the box into Android and make sure ADB is enabled
  2. Connect to the box through ADB
    adb connect [your box IP, e.g.]
  3. Pull the decrypted device-tree folder under psuedo FS /proc to the current work folder
    adb pull /proc/device-tree .

    The device-tree must be decypted for the Android/Linux kernel to function, thus a running Android system must be able to see this decrypted folder, so we could extract it like this

  4. Wait till the command to finish, it could take ~1Min, when finished the log should read like this:
    /proc/device-tree/: 2917 files pulled, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (30864 bytes in 39.501s)
  5. Convert the plain device-tree folder to decrypted DTB
    dtc -I fs device-tree -o decrypted.dtb
  6. If the DTB is larger than 262128 (0x3fff0, 256KiB-16B) Bytes, gzipped it up, this is usually not needed as most DTBs are under 100KiB
    如果DTB大于262128(0x3fff0, 256KiB-16B)字节,用gzip压缩,通常并不需要,因为绝大多数DTB小于100KiB
  7. Boot the box into the external Linux system where ampart is executable
  8. Transfer the decrypted DTB to the box via SSH, SCP Samba or physical medias
    把解密的DTB通过SSH,SCP, Samba或者物理媒介传输到盒子上
  9. Identify the eMMC block device, which should be /dev/mmcblk0 if you’re running systems with Amlogic kernel, e.g. EmuELEC, etc; or /dev/mmcblk2 if you’re running systems with mainline kernel, e.g. ArchLinuxARM, Armbian, OpenWrt, etc.
  10. Write the DTB to eMMC at 40MiB offset and 40MiB+256KiB offset seperately. The DTBs are stored at 40MiB ~ 40MiB+256KiB, and 40MiB+256KiB ~ 40MiB+512KiB, as two identical copies, the last 16Bytes of both are 4-Byte magic, version, timestamp and checksum
     dd if=decrypted.dtb of=[your eMMC block device] bs=256K seek=160 conv=notrunc
     dd if=decrypted.dtb of=[your eMMC block device] bs=256K seek=161 conv=notrunc

    If you’re writing to the reserved block device (/dev/reserved) instead which is only available under Amlogic kernel, then the seek numbers should be 16 and 17

    We write to both copies and do not update the checksums, because if both copies are considered ‘corrupted’ (checksum mismatch), Amlogic’s u-boot will still use the first one. The second copy is written to purposedly make it also ‘corrupted’ so the u-boot won’t use the stock encrypted one.

  11. Reboot to check if the box still boots. And if it does, you can use ampart to partition it however you like it.

Special thanks / 特别鸣谢

Special thanks to Tomasz Jaskólski in helping with testing with the method documented here. I don’t have a box with encrypted DTB so it’s impossible for me to test it by myself and post it.
特别鸣谢Tomasz Jaskólski帮助测试上述方法。我自己没有有加密DTB的盒子,所以没法亲自测试并发布这个方法。