This article is splitted from Installation of ArchLinux ARM on an out-of-tree Amlogic device for a better structure. Check that article if you are interesting on an ArchLinux ARM installation done in the ArchLinux way.
这篇文章是从在不被官方支持的Amlogic设备上安装ArchLinux ARM中为了更好的布局而分割出来的。如果你对以ArchLinux的方式安装ArchLinux ARM感兴趣,看一下那篇文章

A big thing to remember is that the first few MiBs on the eMMC on Amlogic devices are usually used to store bootloader (a combined image of BL2, BL30, BL301, BL31 and BL33/u-boot), and it’s usually 4MiB. Which overlays with the MBR partition table. You’ll need to backup it before and restore it after the partitioning:
Amlogic设备上的eMMC上最初的几个MiB通常是储存引导程序镜像的(BL2, BL3, BL30, BL31和BL33/u-boot的整合镜像),通常是4MiB。这一部分和MBR分区表重叠。在分区前后你需要备份和还原引导程序镜像

To backup the bootloader:

dd if=/dev/mmcblk2 of=bootloader.img bs=1M count=4

To restore the bootloader:

dd if=bootloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk2 conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=444
dd if=bootloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk2 conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1

Take extra care if you’re partitioning with GPT as the numbers here are only for MBR, but I don’t see the point to have a GPT partition table on such tiny drive.

And you shouldn’t create partition to overlap with these 4MiB (avoid first 8192 sectors if you’re using fdisk), there’s also other parts you shouldn’t create partitions, continue reading to learn how to avoid and even shrink them

If you’re using a stock Amlogic uboot as the first stage u-boot in the bootloader (which will be the case unless you write a signed bootloader image with mainline u-boot onto the start of the eMMC, or to the SD and there’s no bootloader on eMMC and you’re using a SBC), you need to watch for Amlogic’s proprietary eMMC partition table (EPT). The table and the creation logic behind it is why installation scripts on the market dare not touch the first 1GiB on the eMMC. The following is the EPT creation logic:

  1. The Amlogic u-boot will create several in-memory partition tables in the EPT format:
    1. one of them is a template EPT with bootloader at 0-4M, reserved at 36-100M, cache at 108-108M and env at 116M-124M;
    2. another one is a virtual table that contains ddr, dtb and other stuffs that’s usually stored inside reserved, for the ease of lookup;
      另一个是一个包括ddr, dtb和其他通常储存在reserved区内的东西的虚拟分区表,为了便于查询
  2. It reads the partitions node in DTB, then populates every partition in the partitions node into the emplate table mentioned earlier, each partition has a 8M gap before it, and the partition that has a size 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (u64, same hex as i64 -1) will occupy all of the remaining space
  3. If there’s one such partition table stored in the reserved partition, compare these two, and always update the in-reserved one using the DTB one, unless the DTB one can’t be created, e.g. there’s no partitions node in DTB, and in that case just use the in-reserved one.
  4. If there is MBR or GPT partition table on eMMC, the above table will not be used in the boot logic (commands including fatload, extNload, load, etc), yet still used for looking up for misc, logo, etc partitions
    如果eMMC上有MBR或者GPT分区表,前述的分区表不会在启动逻辑中使用(fatload, extNload, load等这些命令),但仍然会用于misc, logo等这些分区

What makes this a mess is that most vendors will create a cache partition either 512MiB or 1GiB, and due to the logic of step2 this will shift env to either ~600MiB or ~1.1GiB, and oh you should never create your partition that covers this naughty env partition.

Thankfully I’ve written a partition tool ampart for this partition format. It can be easily built on x86-64 or aarch64 with a easy make, and can easily read and edit both the in-reserved EPT and the partitions node in DTB.

On Arch-derived distros you can install ampart through AUR package ampart-git:

git clone
cd ampart-git
makepkg -si

On Debian-derived distros (e.g. Ubuntu, Armbian) you can clone the ampart repo and build with a simple make(remember to install built dependencies git, build-essential and zlib1g-dev first):

git clone
cd ampart

A simple call with only the eMMC drive as argument will give you the EPT and partitions node in DTB:

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive

partitions node in DTB:

DTS report partitions: 17 partitions in the DTB:
ID| name            |            size|(   human)| masks
 0: logo                       800000 (   8.00M)      1
 1: recovery                  1800000 (  24.00M)      1
 2: misc                       800000 (   8.00M)      1
 3: dtbo                       800000 (   8.00M)      1
 4: cri_data                   800000 (   8.00M)      2
 5: param                     1000000 (  16.00M)      2
 6: boot                      1000000 (  16.00M)      1
 7: rsv                       1000000 (  16.00M)      1
 8: metadata                  1000000 (  16.00M)      1
 9: vbmeta                     200000 (   2.00M)      1
10: tee                       2000000 (  32.00M)      1
11: vendor                   14000000 ( 320.00M)      1
12: odm                       8000000 ( 128.00M)      1
13: system                   74000000 (   1.81G)      1
14: product                   8000000 ( 128.00M)      1
15: cache                    46000000 (   1.09G)      2
16: data                              (AUTOFILL)      4


EPT report: 20 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)         46000000 (   1.09G)      2
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                      4d400000 (   1.21G)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: logo                     4e400000 (   1.22G)           800000 (   8.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 5: recovery                 4f400000 (   1.24G)          1800000 (  24.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 6: misc                     51400000 (   1.27G)           800000 (   8.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 7: dtbo                     52400000 (   1.29G)           800000 (   8.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 8: cri_data                 53400000 (   1.30G)           800000 (   8.00M)      2
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 9: param                    54400000 (   1.32G)          1000000 (  16.00M)      2
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
10: boot                     55c00000 (   1.34G)          1000000 (  16.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
11: rsv                      57400000 (   1.36G)          1000000 (  16.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
12: metadata                 58c00000 (   1.39G)          1000000 (  16.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
13: vbmeta                   5a400000 (   1.41G)           200000 (   2.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
14: tee                      5ae00000 (   1.42G)          2000000 (  32.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
15: vendor                   5d600000 (   1.46G)         14000000 ( 320.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
16: odm                      71e00000 (   1.78G)          8000000 ( 128.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
17: system                   7a600000 (   1.91G)         74000000 (   1.81G)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
18: product                  eee00000 (   3.73G)          8000000 ( 128.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
19: data                     f7600000 (   3.87G)       1c27600000 ( 112.62G)      4

Or you can use the dsnapshot and esnapshot mode, which will give you three easy-to-parse partition info snapshots on stdout (all ampart logs are printed to stderr, stdout is reserved for snapshots):

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive --mode dsnapshot

DTB snapshot decimal, script-friendly

logo::8388608:1 recovery::25165824:1 misc::8388608:1 dtbo::8388608:1 cri_data::8388608:2 param::16777216:2 boot::16777216:1 rsv::16777216:1 metadata::16777216:1 vbmeta::2097152:1 tee::33554432:1 vendor::335544320:1 odm::134217728:1 system::1946157056:1 product::134217728:1 cache::1174405120:2 data::-1:4 

DTB snapshot hex-decimal, script-friendly

logo::0x800000:1 recovery::0x1800000:1 misc::0x800000:1 dtbo::0x800000:1 cri_data::0x800000:2 param::0x1000000:2 boot::0x1000000:1 rsv::0x1000000:1 metadata::0x1000000:1 vbmeta::0x200000:1 tee::0x2000000:1 vendor::0x14000000:1 odm::0x8000000:1 system::0x74000000:1 product::0x8000000:1 cache::0x46000000:2 data::-1:4 

DTB snapshot human-readable

logo::8M:1 recovery::24M:1 misc::8M:1 dtbo::8M:1 cri_data::8M:2 param::16M:2 boot::16M:1 rsv::16M:1 metadata::16M:1 vbmeta::2M:1 tee::32M:1 vendor::320M:1 odm::128M:1 system::1856M:1 product::128M:1 cache::1120M:2 data::-1:4

EPT snapshot, decimal, script-friendly

bootloader:0:4194304:0 reserved:37748736:67108864:0 cache:113246208:1174405120:2 env:1296039936:8388608:0 logo:1312817152:8388608:1 recovery:1329594368:25165824:1 misc:1363148800:8388608:1 dtbo:1379926016:8388608:1 cri_data:1396703232:8388608:2 param:1413480448:16777216:2 boot:1438646272:16777216:1 rsv:1463812096:16777216:1 metadata:1488977920:16777216:1 vbmeta:1514143744:2097152:1 tee:1524629504:33554432:1 vendor:1566572544:335544320:1 odm:1910505472:134217728:1 system:2053111808:1946157056:1 product:4007657472:134217728:1 data:4150263808:120919687168:4 

EPT snapshot, hex-decimal, script-friendly

bootloader:0x0:0x400000:0 reserved:0x2400000:0x4000000:0 cache:0x6c00000:0x46000000:2 env:0x4d400000:0x800000:0 logo:0x4e400000:0x800000:1 recovery:0x4f400000:0x1800000:1 misc:0x51400000:0x800000:1 dtbo:0x52400000:0x800000:1 cri_data:0x53400000:0x800000:2 param:0x54400000:0x1000000:2 boot:0x55c00000:0x1000000:1 rsv:0x57400000:0x1000000:1 metadata:0x58c00000:0x1000000:1 vbmeta:0x5a400000:0x200000:1 tee:0x5ae00000:0x2000000:1 vendor:0x5d600000:0x14000000:1 odm:0x71e00000:0x8000000:1 system:0x7a600000:0x74000000:1 product:0xeee00000:0x8000000:1 data:0xf7600000:0x1c27600000:4 

EPT snapshot, human-readable

bootloader:0B:4M:0 reserved:36M:64M:0 cache:108M:1120M:2 env:1236M:8M:0 logo:1252M:8M:1 recovery:1268M:24M:1 misc:1300M:8M:1 dtbo:1316M:8M:1 cri_data:1332M:8M:2 param:1348M:16M:2 boot:1372M:16M:1 rsv:1396M:16M:1 metadata:1420M:16M:1 vbmeta:1444M:2M:1 tee:1454M:32M:1 vendor:1494M:320M:1 odm:1822M:128M:1 system:1958M:1856M:1 product:3822M:128M:1 data:3958M:115318M:4

All these snapshots can be used in corresponding clone mode (dclone, eclone) directly, which will guarantee to revert the partitions to what they were like when the snapshots were taken
所有这些快照都能直接用在对应的克隆模式里(dclone, eclone),克隆模式能保证把分区恢复到和快照的时候一模一样的样子

To restore a DTB snapshot

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive --mode dclone logo::8M:1 recovery::24M:1 misc::8M:1 dtbo::8M:1 cri_data::8M:2 param::16M:2 boot::16M:1 rsv::16M:1 metadata::16M:1 vbmeta::2M:1 tee::32M:1 vendor::320M:1 odm::128M:1 system::1856M:1 product::128M:1 cache::1120M:2 data::-1:4

To restore an EPT snapshot

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive --mode eclone bootloader:0B:4M:0 reserved:36M:64M:0 cache:108M:1120M:2 env:1236M:8M:0 logo:1252M:8M:1 recovery:1268M:24M:1 misc:1300M:8M:1 dtbo:1316M:8M:1 cri_data:1332M:8M:2 param:1348M:16M:2 boot:1372M:16M:1 rsv:1396M:16M:1 metadata:1420M:16M:1 vbmeta:1444M:2M:1 tee:1454M:32M:1 vendor:1494M:320M:1 odm:1822M:128M:1 system:1958M:1856M:1 product:3822M:128M:1 data:3958M:115318M:4

A recommended way to utilize it, is the dclone mode which will manipulate the dtb and also update the table stored on eMMC, e.g.

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive --mode dclone data::-1:4

This will modify the partitions node in DTB, remove all other partitions and create a single data partition which will fill the table up, then update EPT according to the partitions node in DTB, and automatically migrate essential partitions (e.g. env) so you don’t need to dd before and after to backup and restore them.

The snapshot (data::-1:4) here is gotten from dedit mode, where unwanted partitions are deleted one-by-one (^ + name selects a partition by its name, ? deletes the partition):

ampart /dev/mmcblk2 --mode dedit ^recovery? ^dtbo? ^cri_data? ^param? ^boot? ^rsv? ^metadata? ^vbmeta? ^tee? ^vendor? ^odm? ^system? ^product? ^cache? --dry-run

The above dedit session would convert the EPT to like this, where logo and misc is kept, so during booting you could still see the logo, and some misc things set by Android in misc partition could still be effective:

DTS report partitions: 3 partitions in the DTB:
ID| name            |            size|(   human)| masks
 0: logo                       800000 (   8.00M)      1
 1: misc                       800000 (   8.00M)      1
 2: data                              (AUTOFILL)      4
EPT report: 7 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                       7400000 ( 116.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: logo                      8400000 ( 132.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 5: misc                      9400000 ( 148.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 6: data                      a400000 ( 164.00M)       1d14800000 ( 116.32G)      4

But if you just want say goodbye to all the stuffs not related to the Linux distro you’re going to use, you can go further to delete even the logo and misc partitions:

ampart /dev/mmcblk2 --mode dedit ^logo? ^misc?

Then this will get you a DTB with only data partition, and an EPT with only several partitions:

DTS report partitions: 1 partitions in the DTB:
ID| name            |            size|(   human)| masks
 0: data                              (AUTOFILL)      4
EPT report: 5 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                       7400000 ( 116.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: data                      8400000 ( 132.00M)       1d16800000 ( 116.35G)      4

And if you take a snapshot in dsnapshot mode, you’ll get the snapshot (data::-1:4) mentioned above

For post-SC2(S905X4, S905D4) devices like HK1 RBOX X4, there’re more partitions you shouldn’t remove, the snapshot should be changed as to:
对于SC2(S905X4, S905D4)之后的设备,比如说HK1 RBOX X4,有更多不能移除的分区,快照应该改成这个样子

boot_a::64M:1 vbmeta_a::2M:1 vbmeta_system_a::2M:1 data::-1:4 

result EPT on my HK1Box

ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                       7400000 ( 116.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: data                      8400000 ( 132.00M)       1d16800000 ( 116.35G)      4

Then the env partition will be guaranteed to be placed at 116M~124M. And you can freely create partition in your MBR table at 4M~36M (gap between bootloader and reserved), 100M~116M (gap between reserved and env, since cache is 0B), 117M~end (since env starts at 116M and the actual data size in env is usually only 64K, it’s safe enough to begin at 117M)

This can be pushed further to extreme with another run in ecreate mode, which will remove the partitions node in DTB so the EPT won’t be “fixed” by Amlogic u-boot, so ampart can have more freedom on the placement of partitions.
通过再用一次ecreate模式,把DTB里面的分区节点直接移除,废掉Amlogic u-boot的“修复”EPT功能,ampart就能在分区的布局上有更大的自由。

This mode should not be used in post-SC2(s905x4,s905d4) devices and several specific early devices with specific firmware (e.g. R3300L with milton’s Android 6.0 firmware), some of them on partitions node in DTB to get env partitions to get persistent booting configuration but can still boot with aml_autoscript when it’s broken (e.g. R3300L), others won’t even boot (e.g. HK1 RBOX X4)
不要在SC2(s905x4,s905d4)之后的设备和一些有特定固件版本的特定设备(比如用milton的安卓6.0固件的R3300L)上用这个模式,它们中有的依赖于DTB中的分区节点来获得环境分区从而读取持久化的启动数据,不过即使坏了也能通过aml_autoscript来启动(比如R3300L),有的直接就不能启动(比如HK1 RBOX X4)

ampart /dev/your_eMMC_drive --mode ecreate data:::

And the EPT will become like this, more spaces can be used in MBR partition table(4-36M, 100M-end):
EPT分区表就会变成这样,更多的空间可以在MBR分区表里分配(5-36M, 100M到结尾)

DTB get partitions: partitions node does not exist in dtb
EPT report: 5 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
 1: env                        400000 (   4.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
 2: cache                      c00000 (  12.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                 1800000 (  24.00M)
 3: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
 4: data                      6400000 ( 100.00M)       1d18800000 ( 116.38G)      4

Even better, if you have the Android burning image and UART connection, you can unpack that Android .img for you device, then use ampart to delete all partitions except the last data partition in the DTB (if it’s multi/gzipped DTB, corresponding operations are needed), and also those partition files you don’t need in the image itself:

ampart meson1.dtb_or_aml_dtb.PARTITION --mode dclone data::-1:4
rm -f boot.PARTITION system.PARTITION .....
vi image.cfg # Also remove these partitions from it

Then if you re-pack the image, you’ll have a burning image that’s only several MiBs in size and very fast to burn. Since you don’t need anything for Android this powerful image is enough to set you sailing for the external Linux boot you’ll only need to use.