
Recently I got a used enterprise-level edge router, VMWare SD-WAN Edge 620, with two 10G-SFP+ ports and six 1G-RJ45 ports, powered by a 4-core Intel C3558 with 8G of DDR4-ECC memory.

With such a powerful hardware I decided to replace my current apartment router (BananaPi BPi-R4, with MT7988A (4-core A73 @1.8Ghz) + 4G DDR4 + 8G eMMC, running OpenWrt snapshot) with it. So I could get an unplugged BPI-R4 to tinker with (a new device to add Arch Linux ARM support to!).

As I didn’t want VMs nor containers (router in VM/container results in circular network dependency that’s hard to fix once broken, a.k.a. all-in-boom; VM/container on router results in security holes and tainted firewall), and wanted to have some cutting edge caching proxy running (pacoloco as an Arch repo caching proxy + wireguard + some tproxy services, to be precise). No ESXi, no ProxmoxVE: I don’t want any hypervisors and only wanted to choose a generic Linux distro as base. And no pre-defined configuration: I want to set every possible component up by myself.

So Arch router again. I had been using Arch Linux on servers for five years, and I used to use it for router four years ago for almost a year. But I gave up then due to Network Manager breaking and the broken router results in inaccessibility to Internet from time to time, and some family members complaining, of course. This time I decided to use saner components for the whole router, and embrace a more gentle management style.

The following are the essential components I chose for another Arch router four years ago, what I chose for the new router now instead, and, for reference, what OpenWrt uses

  OpenWrt<=21.02 OpenWrt>=22.03 Retired Arch Router New Arch Router
Network Manager UCI + netifd UCI + netifd Network Manager systemd-networkd
Firewall Frontend firewall3 firewall4 - -
Firewall Backend iptables nftables nftables nftables
DNS Server dnsmasq dnsmasq dnsmasq bind9 / named
DHCP v4 Server dnsmasq dnsmasq dnsmasq kea
DHCP v6 Server odhcpd odhcpd - part of systemd-networkd, SLAAC only
SSH Server dropbear dropbear openssh openssh

The new setup has been running stably for a month, and I had finished some projects with BPI-R4, I think it’s time to document how I did the setup


System installation

Do the base system installation following Arch Installation Guide, don’t do installation with guided installer, as each maintainer of such installer would have their preference for components. We only want the needed bare-minimum parts to make the system bootable, without even configuring network manager.


After first boot and logging in you should have no network. There shouldn’t be any network manager running. If your network is already up and running then you’re on your own to figure out how to remove the pre-configured network stuffs.

Figuring out port layout

Try to ip link up all ports shown in ip link that starts with en or eth, with no network cable connected, e.g.

sudo ip link set enp3s0f0u2u3 up

After this all ports shall still be shown as state DOWN in ip link

Then connect cable to ports one by one and check which port has state UP after being plugged in.

After all ports are figured out, ip link down all ports, e.g.

sudo ip link set enp3s0f0u2u3 down

The below layout is what I had on my Edge 620.

     10 GbE   |           GbE         
              |[ens2f2] [ens2f0] [eno5] 
 [eno7] [eno8]|[ens2f3] [ens2f1] [eno6]

Port usage and network layout

The basic idea is that no port bandwidth shall be wasted. A 1G port should be connect to another 1G port, 2.5G to 2.5G, 10G to 10G. 100M devices are banned from the network. Cross-bandwidth bridging is done by hardware.

  • ens2f3 (1G) would be used as the WAN port, connecting to landlord’s modem + router with 300M down link speed and 30M up link speed.
  • all other ports would be joined to a bridge, they can communicate with each other freely, but most traffic happen under switches and most devices connected directly to the router don’t access other LAN devices through the software bridge
    • eno7 (10G) would be connected to a 8x2.5G + 10G switch
      • all 2.5G devices would be connected to the 2.5G ports on switch, some doing bonding
      • a wireless router in AP mode with 3x1G + 2.5G would be connected to the switch to function as 2.5G-1G bridge
        • a 1G switch would be connected to the 1G port on AP
        • high-traffic 1G devices would be connected to either the AP or the 1G switch depending on their in-LAN inter-traffic
    • eno8 (10G) would be connected to my home desktop
    • all other 1G ports would be connected to low-traffic 1G devices (consoles, set-top boxes, etc)


As I’m renting a room (in a three-room apartment) I had to use my landlord’s ISP subscription. The ISP fiber modem + router has no public IPv4, and as not the actual subscriber I had no priviledge to ask the ISP for a public IPv4 address. Luckily still, the ISP delegates an IPv6 /60 suffix. And I could at least get a /64 suffix without breaking the network for my other room-mates. So on my WAN, I would have:

  • a private IPv4 address (private to the apartment LAN)
  • a public IPv6 address (in the /64 for apartment LAN)
  • a public IPv6 /64 suffix (different from the /64 for apartment LAGN, in the /60 sent by ISP).

For these I need to configure the WAN to do DHCPv4 (to get a private IPv4 address to do IPv4 routing), IPv6 SLAAC (to get a public IPv6 address to do IPv6 routing) and DHCPv6-PD (to get a IPv6 /64 suffix to assign to my other devices in my own LAN), so let’s create a .network file for the interface.






In which:

  • Network.DHCP=yes ensures we do both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 to gain both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address for the interface
  • Network.IPv4Forwarding=yes and Network.IPv6Forwarding=yes ensure we allow forwarding to this interface (unfortunately for IPv6 the option does not work as expected, addtional sysctl set up for IPv6 is needed, read further)
  • Network.IPv6AcceptRA=yes ensures we always do SLAAC for IPv6
  • Network.IPv6PrivacyExtension=no ensures we have a consistent DUID when doing SLAAC for IPv6
  • Link.RequiredForOnline=no ensures startup of DNS and DHCP servers won’t be delayed if WAN connection is down at boot
  • DHCPv6.WithoutRA=solicit ensures we always start a DHCPv6 client to obtain IPv6 Prefix Delegation, even when there’s no Router Advertisement (like when outer LAN only does DHCPv6 for PD but not SLAAC)

LAN Bridge

All LAN interfaces need to be joined into a single bridge, let’s create a .netdev file for the bridge to init it,


# MACAddress= 

Note we didn’t explicitly set the MAC Address. As this is a virtual interface it won’t have persistent MAC address. Some client won’t be happy for this (like Windows clients would consider this a new network each time the router MAC address changes as it assotiates a “network” to a router MAC address). On activating a MAC Address would be generated for it, and after that we would want to make it persistent by uncommenting the MACAddress line and setting it up.

Then let’s create a .network file for all LAN interfaces to configure them as slaves of the above bridge,


Name=ens2f0 ens2f1 ens2f2 eno5 eno6 eno7 eno8



Here Link.RequiredForOnline=no is needed as not all LAN ports would be connected at all time. Without it, systemd-networkd-wait-online.service would hang for minutes waiting for all these ports. If, however, you’re sure that all these ports would be online 100% of the time, then you can surely remove the [Link] section

Then let’s create a .network file to configure L-3 network on the bridge interface






In which:

  • Network.DHCPPrefixDelegation=yes ensures we assign the IPv6 prefix we got from another interface (in this case, WAN, ens2f3) to devices connected to this interface.
  • Network.IPMasquerade=ipv4 ensures we do NATv4 for devices connected to this interface. This also implicitly sets Network.IPv4Forwarding=yes so traffic forwarded to this interface is allowed.
  • Network.IPv6SendRA=yes and DHCPPrefixDelegation.Announce=yes ensure we send Router Advertisement to announce the delegated /64 prefix, i.e. do SLAAC for devices connected to this interface to let themselves configure an IPv6 address.
  • Network.IPv6AcceptRA=no ensures we won’t do SLAAC for ourself on this interface, this is not necessarily needed but it would prevent a bad-behaving fake router under the LAN doing dirty stuffs breaking the network of the router itself.
  • Network.IPv6Forwarding=yes ensure we allow IPv6 forwarding to this interface (unfortunately for IPv6 the option does not work as expected, addtional sysctl set up for IPv6 is needed, read further), we didn’t set Network.IPv4Forwarding=yes as it’s implicitly set by Network.IPMasquerade=ipv4.
  • DHCPPrefixDelegation.UplinkInterface=ens2f3 ensures we get IPv6 prefix from the WAN interface, ens2f3
  • DHCPPrefixDelegation.SubnetId=0 ensures we assign the first possible /64 from the prefix, in this case all of the /64 prefix we get. This is still needed even when we only have a single /64 prefix.
  • IPv6SendRA.OtherInformation=yes ensures we tell LAN devices we have a DHCPv6 server, but we only ever send out addtional infos like routing, DNS, etc, but never a DHCPv6 address. We don’t want a single device to have multiple IPv6 GLA address.


I’d also want to connect this apartment network to my wireguard network, partially documented in a previous blog post

So let’s create a .netdev and a .network for the wireguard interface.

The configs are generated by wireguard-deployer I recently wrote with a minimum config like following (it has changed a lot from my previous post, due to hk1 losing its IPv6 connection):

psk: false
netdev: 30-wireguard
network: 40-wireguard
    endpoint: # all other can connect to
    direct: [fuo, pdh, hk1, t16]
    netdev: 40-Wireguard
    network: 50-Wireguard
    keep: [ali]
    direct: [ali, pdh]
    keep: [ali]
    direct: [ali, fuo, t16]
      ^child: hk1.lan
    direct: [ali, pdh]
    keep: [ali, pdh]
        endpoint: rz5.lan
        endpoint: a7j.lan
        endpoint: v7j.lan
    direct: [ali, pdh]




# ali

# pdh








In which:

  • Network.IPv4Forwarding=yes ensures IPv4 forwarding to this interface is allowed
  • Link.RequiredForOnline=no ensures failed wireguard connection won’t result in systemd-networkd-wait-online being blocked

Global networkd config

The option Network.IPv6Forwarding in .netdev file sets net.ipv6.conf.[interface].forwarding to 1, similar to how it configs IPv4.

However, for IPv6, the kernel explicitly checks net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding to decide whether to do IPv6 forwarding, and only does so when it’s set to 1.

Per-interface forwarding on-off option is not a thing, and net.ipv6.conf.[interface].forwarding controls actually the interface-specific host/router behaviour (telling neighbors we’re a router in Neighbour Advertisements with IsRouter=1), so instead of “we would do IPv6 forwarding”, it’s really “(telling others) we can do IPv6 forwarding”.

Due to this, we need to set Network.IPv6Forwarding=yes in /etc/systemd/networkd.conf so networkd would set sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding to 1.



I’d recommend against setting it in /etc/sysctl.d, setting it in networkd.conf and we could track all network settings in one place, setting it in /etc/sysctl.d and network sysctls would be scattered in two places and hard to track.

Reference: systemd issue #33414

Starting network

Now everything’s configured, start the network by doing

sudo systemctl enable --now systemd-networkd

Let’s also start a temporary DNS server, we need it before we finish setting up our own actual DNS server. systemd has resolved so let’s use it for the temp job.

sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved
sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

The network should come up like this (all public addresses obfuscated):

> ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: bridge0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global bridge0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 1111:2222:3333:4444:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 metric 256 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr 
       valid_lft 174254sec preferred_lft 87854sec
    inet6 fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 scope link proto kernel_ll 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: ens2f0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:aa brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp2s0f0
4: ens2f1: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp2s0f1
5: ens2f2: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether dd:ee:ff:aa:bb:cc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp2s0f2
6: ens2f3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ee:ff:aa:bb:cc:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp2s0f3
    inet metric 1024 brd scope global dynamic ens2f3
       valid_lft 244740sec preferred_lft 244740sec
    inet6 1111:2222:3333:5555:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr noprefixroute 
       valid_lft 174254sec preferred_lft 87854sec
    inet6 fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 scope link proto kernel_ll 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
7: wg0: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1420 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    inet scope global wg0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
8: eno8: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ff:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp5s0f0
9: wlp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
10: eno7: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp5s0f1
11: eno6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp7s0f0
12: eno5: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master bridge0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether df:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp7s0f1

Remember to go back and set the MAC address for the bridge interface now that it’s generated (here aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff on bridge0).

Verify the network by doing a simple pacman -Syu first, reboot if necessary.

Check the network connection, we now should have a fully working network connection on the router, and LAN device should have partially working network connection.

LAN devices currently should be able to:

  • get an IPv6 adddress by SLAAC
  • connect to network if we configure the IPv4 address and DNS manually

So let’s go further to config a DHCPv4 server and a DNS server to assin LAN IPs and resolve DNS queries as caching DNS server.

DHCP server

Devices under the LAN can currently get IPv6 addresses by SLAAC but they can’t get IPv4 address and they can’t get DNS info. We would need a DHCPv4 server to assign IPv4 addresses to devices under the LAN and announce DNS infos, domain search suffixes, etc in the DHCP lease.

Let’s install kea, the ISC’s new reference DHCP server implementation after ISC DHCP

sudo pacman -S kea

kea provides DHCPv4, DHCPv6, DDNS and Control Daemon, we only need DHCPv4 currently.

Config kea DHCPv4 by modifying /etc/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf

My config looks like the following:

"Dhcp4": {
    "interfaces-config": {
        "interfaces": [ "bridge0/" ]
    "control-socket": {
        "socket-type": "unix",
        "socket-name": "/tmp/kea4-ctrl-socket"
    "lease-database": {
        "type": "memfile",
        "lfc-interval": 60
    "expired-leases-processing": {
        "reclaim-timer-wait-time": 10,
        "flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time": 25,
        "hold-reclaimed-time": 3600,
        "max-reclaim-leases": 100,
        "max-reclaim-time": 250,
        "unwarned-reclaim-cycles": 5
    "renew-timer": 90,
    "rebind-timer": 180,
    "valid-lifetime": 600,
    "option-data": [
            "name": "domain-name-servers",
            "data": ","
            "name": "domain-name",
            "data": "fuo.lan"
            "name": "domain-search",
            "data": "fuo.lan, lan"
    "subnet4": [
            "id": 1,
            "subnet": "",
            "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
            "option-data": [
                    "name": "routers",
                    "data": ""
            "reservations": [
                    "hw-address": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
                    "ip-address": "",
                    "hostname": "switch-sirivision-2500m"
                    "hw-address": "BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00",
                    "ip-address": "",
                    "hostname": "ap-tplink-ax6000"
    "loggers": [
        "name": "kea-dhcp4",
        "output-options": [
                "output": "/var/log/kea-dhcp4.log"
        "severity": "INFO"

In which (all Dhcp4. prefix are omitted):

  • interfaces-config.interfaces = [ "bridge0/" ] tells kea to do DHCPv4 on bridge0, listening on
  • lease-database.type = memfile and lease-database.lfc-interval = 60 tells kea to use a in-memory databse and flush it to an on-disk file per-minute.
  • renew-timer = 90 tells kea to let clients to renew their DHCP lease per 90 seconds
  • rebind-timer = 180 tells kea to try to re-bind existing DHCP leases per 3 minutes
  • valid-lifetime = 600 tells kea to send out DHCP leases with 10-minute valid lifetime
  • option-data tells kea to send addtional infos in the DHCP lease
    • domain-name-servers configs DNS for clients, in this case also the router itself
    • domain-name configs a rDNS record for clients, in this case resolving fuo.lan to router itself
    • domain-search configs the local domain serach suffixes for clients, in this case both fuo.lan and lan, so a dot-less domain record would be searched by itself first and then with suffixes, e.g. o5p as o5p then as o5p.fuo.lan then as o5p.lan
  • subnet4 defines a list of IPv4 subnets to do DHCP in
    • subnet defines the actual subnet, in this case
    • pool defines a list of address ranges to use, in this case -
    • option-data defines additional option-data on top of global option-data to send, in this case we send out routers to config a gateway and default route rule for clients
    • reservations defines reserved leases for certain clients

Start kea’s DHCPv4 server

sudo systemctl enable --now kea-dhcp4

LAN devices should now be able to get IPv4 address, routing infos and DNS servers by DHCPv4. They should be able to ping Internet IPv4 addresses, e.g. ping, but they can’t resolve domain names yet unless they configure an Internet DNS server, as we’ve set the router itself as DNS server in DHCPv4.

DNS server

We would need a DNS server that functions both as caching server (for generic domains and other .lan domains in my wireguard network) and authoritative server (for our fuo.lan zone).

Let’s install bind9, the ISC’s reference DNS server implementation

sudo pacman -S bind

Config bind9 named by modifying /etc/named.conf

My config looks like the following:

options {
    directory "/var/named";
    pid-file "/run/named/";

    listen-on-v6  { none; };
    listen-on {;;; };

    allow-recursion {;;; };
    allow-transfer { none; };
    allow-update { none; };

    recursion yes;
    auth-nxdomain no;
    dnssec-validation no;

    forwarders {;; };

    version none;
    hostname none;
    server-id none;

include "rndc.conf";

zone "localhost" IN {
    type master;
    file "";

zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file "";

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "";

zone "7ji.lan" IN {
    type master;
    file "";

include "lan.fuo.dhcp.key";

zone "fuo.lan" IN {
    type master;
    file "";
    update-policy {
        grant dhcp-fuo-lan-key wildcard *.fuo.lan A DHCID;

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "";
    update-policy {
        grant dhcp-fuo-lan-key wildcard * PTR DHCID;

zone "wg7.lan" {
    type forward;
    forward only;
    forwarders {;

zone "pdh.lan" {
    type forward;
    forward only;
    forwarders {;

zone "lks.lan" {
    type forward;
    forward only;
    forwarders {;

In the options section:

  • listen-on-v6 { none; }; disables DNSv6 service and named won’t bind to and listen on an IPv6 address
  • listen-on {;;; }; limits the IPv4 addresses we bind to and listen on: only LAN IPv4, wireguard IPv4, and localhost
  • allow-transfer { none; }; and allow-update { none; }; ensures we’re the master DNS server for zones we manage
  • recursion yes; enables the server to function as a DNS caching server
  • auth-nxdomain no; ensures we won’t touch AA bit in NXDOMAIN response, i.e. we won’t pretend to be authoritative for zones we don’t own
  • dnssec-validation no; disables DNSSEC
  • forwarders {;; }; sets upstream DNS servers to refer to for domain zones we don’t control
  • version none; ensures we won’t return server version for a query of the name version.bind with type TXT and class CHAO, so we’re mostly transparent for clients
  • hostname none; ensures we won’t return server for a query of the name hostname.bind with type TXT and class CHAOS, so we’re mostly transparent for clients
  • server-id none; ensures we won’t return server ID for a Name Server Identifier (NSID) query, or a query of the name ID.SERVER with type TXT and class CHAOS, so we’re mostly transparent for clients

2 include sections are generated and stored privately for security (tee /dev/stderr is only for demostrating, you don’t actually need it when running)

> tsig-keygen dhcp-fuo-lan-key | tee /dev/stderr | sudo install --mode 640 --group named /dev/stdin /var/named/lan.fuo.dhcp.key
key "dhcp-fuo-lan-key" {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "xnk+ZYUhCQCEl19hIsNLgqswMBzsJZf62vrlaxuwTEU=";
> printf '%s\n' '{' '	"name": "dhcp-fuo-lan-key",' '	"algorithm": "hmac-sha256",' '	"secret": "'$(sudo sed -n 's/^.\+secret "\(.\+\)";$/\1/p' /var/named/lan.fuo.dhcp.key)'"' '}' | tee /dev/stderr | sudo install --mode 600 /dev/stdin /etc/kea/kea-dhcp-fuo-lan.key
        "name": "dhcp-fuo-lan-key",
        "algorithm": "hmac-sha256",
        "secret": "xnk+ZYUhCQCEl19hIsNLgqswMBzsJZf62vrlaxuwTEU="
> rndc-confgen | tee /dev/stderr | sudo install --mode 400 /dev/stdin /etc/rndc.conf.temp
# Start of rndc.conf
key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "E9vh+qxVIitnSrEcvBWbbciTsf2kquLil4V5XNgRgR4=";
options {
        default-key "rndc-key";
        default-port 953;
# End of rndc.conf

# Use with the following in named.conf, adjusting the allow list as needed:
# key "rndc-key" {
#       algorithm hmac-sha256;
#       secret "E9vh+qxVIitnSrEcvBWbbciTsf2kquLil4V5XNgRgR4=";
# };
# controls {
#       inet port 953
#               allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
# };
# End of named.conf
> sudo grep -v '^#' /etc/rndc.conf.temp | grep -v '^$' | tee /dev/stderr | sudo install --mode 600 /dev/stdin /etc/rndc.conf
key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "E9vh+qxVIitnSrEcvBWbbciTsf2kquLil4V5XNgRgR4=";
options {
        default-key "rndc-key";
        default-port 953;
> sudo grep '^#' /etc/rndc.conf.temp | grep -v '\.conf' | cut -c 3- | tee /dev/stderr | sudo install --mode 640 --group named /dev/stdin /var/named/rndc.conf
key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "E9vh+qxVIitnSrEcvBWbbciTsf2kquLil4V5XNgRgR4=";

controls {
        inet port 953
                allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
> sudo rm /etc/rndc.conf.temp

Various zones have different definitions:

  • zone localhost, zone and zone come from the default config, keep them as-is
  • zone wg7.lan, zone pdh.lan, zone lks.lan are forwarded to other routers in the wireguard network, the sole forwarder for each zone is their WireGuard IP.
  • zone 7ji.lan is the local CNAME-only zone that resolves some service domains to CNAME fuo.lan domains, so I can use e.g. repo.7ji.lan in different places resolved to different LAN domains, repo.fuo.lan at my apartment, repo.pdh.lan at my parents’ house, etc. File /var/named/ shall be created with owner:group set to root:named and permission mode 640 so named can only read it but not update it.

      echo '@                       SOA     @ root (
                                      1          ; serial
                                      0          ; refresh (immediately)
                                      0          ; retry (immediately)
                                      604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                      0          ; minimum (immediately)
                              NS      @
      *                       CNAME   fuo.lan.' | sudo install --mode 640 --group named /dev/stdin /var/named/

    We’ve not set TTL for any record. TTL would always default to SOA minimum, here 0. This means we don’t want any client to cache multi-place 7ji.lan lookup results.

  • zone fuo.lan is the apartment local domain zone, we would define some CNAME records to resolve them to DDNS domains. File /var/named/ shall be created with owner:group set to named:named and permission mode 660 so named can both read it and update it:

      echo '@                       SOA     @ root (
                                      1          ; serial
                                      0          ; refresh (immediately)
                                      0          ; retry (immediately)
                                      604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                      0          ; minimum (immediately)
                              NS      @
      fuo                     CNAME   @
      xray                    CNAME   @
      repo                    CNAME   @
      git                     CNAME   wtr
      gmr                     CNAME   opi
      bpi                     CNAME   server-bpi-m5
      o5p                     CNAME   server-opi-5plus
      opi                     CNAME   server-opi-5
      wtr                     CNAME   server-aoostar-wtr-pro' | sudo install --mode 660 --owner named --group named /dev/stdin /var/named/

    We’ve not set TTL for any record. TTL would always default to SOA minimum, here 0. This means we don’t want any client to cache LAN fuo.lan lookup results.

  • zone is the apartment reverse DNS domain zone. File /var/named/ shall be created with owner:group set to named:named and permission mode 660 so named can both read it and update it.

      echo '@                       SOA     @ root (
                                      1          ; serial
                                      0          ; refresh (immediately)
                                      0          ; retry (immediately)
                                      604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                      0          ; minimum (immediately)
                              NS      fuo.lan.
      1                       PTR     fuo.lan.' | sudo install --mode 660 --owner named --group named /dev/stdin /var/named/

    We’ve not set TTL for any record. TTL would always default to SOA minimum, here 0. This means we don’t want any client to cache LAN 192.168.67.y reverse lookup results.

With bind9 configured up it’s time to start the named server:

sudo systemctl enable --now named

With bind9 named running, we should be able to (by using dig to query

  • Resolve public domains, e.g. dig @ -> A
  • Resolve set LAN domains, e.g. dig xray.fuo.lan @ -> CNAME fuo.fuo.lan -> CNAME fuo.lan -> A
  • Resolve set multi-place LAN domains, e.g. dig repo.7ji.lan @ -> CNAME fuo.lan -> A

Now let’s say goodbye to the temporary systemd-resolved server

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf

The router should use itself as the DNS server.

echo 'nameserver
search fuo.lan' | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf

local DDNS (DHCP + DNS integration)

kea and bind9 can be configured to do DDNS for zones, in this case we want [host].fuo.lan resolved to LAN addresses, and a corresponding rDNS zone resolved to domains.

Modify kea’s DHCPv4 server config to add DDNS options:

"Dhcp4": {
    "dhcp-ddns": {
        "enable-updates": true
    "ddns-qualifying-suffix": "fuo.lan",
    "ddns-override-client-update": true,

Restart kea’s DHCPv4 server

sudo systemctl restart kea-dhcp4

Config kea’s DHCP DDNS server by modifying /etc/kea/kea-dhcp-ddns.conf

My config looks like the following:

  "ip-address": "",
  "port": 53001,
  "control-socket": {
      "socket-type": "unix",
      "socket-name": "/tmp/kea-ddns-ctrl-socket"
  "tsig-keys": [
    <?include "/etc/kea/kea-dhcp-fuo-lan.key"?>
  "forward-ddns" : {
      "ddns-domains": [{
          "name": "fuo.lan.",
          "key-name": "dhcp-fuo-lan",
          "dns-servers": [{
              "ip-address": ""
  "reverse-ddns" : {
      "ddns-domains": [{
          "name": "",
          "key-name": "dhcp-fuo-lan",
          "dns-servers": [{
              "ip-address": ""
  "loggers": [
        "name": "kea-dhcp-ddns",
        "output-options": [
                "output": "/var/log/kea-ddns.log"
        "severity": "INFO",
        "debuglevel": 0

Start kea’s DDNS server

sudo systemctl enable --now kea-dhcp-ddns

Test whether DDNS work by tail -f /var/log/kea-ddns.log on router and restarting network on a LAN client. When a client requests and get a DHCP lease, an A record [hostname].fuo.lan. to the IP and a PTR record [suffix] to the A record domain should be added automatically.

Pacman caching

I need this as I have a LOT of Arch clients in LAN and want to do pacman -Syu at maximum LAN bandwidth (here 10G)

Install pacoloco, a pacman caching server

sudo pacman -S pacoloco

Modify its config in /etc/pacoloco.yaml

Mine looks like the following:

download_timeout: 3600
purge_files_after: 2592000
    urls: &urls_archlinux
    urls: &urls_archlinuxarm
    urls: *urls_archlinuxarm
    urls: &urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: *urls_archlinuxcn
    urls: &urls_arch4edu
    urls: *urls_arch4edu
    urls: *urls_arch4edu
  cron: 0 0 3 * * * *

Start pacoloco

sudo systemctl enable --now pacoloco

Clients in LAN including the router itself should be able to use e.g. Server = http://fuo.lan:9129/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch in their pacman.conf, but I don’t quite like ports in repo URLs.

Let’s go further by listen on repo.7ji.lan so a device can be moved to different LAN but still uses the caching server, and sanitize the URL a bit so multiple repos can use a same mirrorlist.

Install nginx, a HTTP server

sudo pacman -S nginx

Modify /etc/nginx.conf to include site configs

http {
    include sites-enabled/*.conf;

Create a repo config /etc/nginx/sites-available/repo.conf:

server {
    listen 80;
    charset UTF-8;
    server_name repo.7ji.lan;

    rewrite ^/(archlinuxarm|archlinuxcn|arch4edu)/([^/]+)/(.+)$ http://repo.fuo.lan:9129/repo/$1:$2/$2/$3 permanent;
    rewrite ^/archlinux/([^/]+)/os/([^/]+)/(.+)$ http://repo.fuo.lan:9129/repo/archlinux:$2/$1/os/$2/$3 permanent;

    location / {
        autoindex on;
        autoindex_exact_size off;
        autoindex_localtime on;

        root /srv/http/repo;

The section location / can be omitted if you don’t have local-only repos. I have a repo 7Ji that I store locally, so I did addtionally:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/http/repo/7Ji

The config would need to be linked to another folder so it would be recognized:

sudo ln -s ../repo.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Start nginx:

sudo systemctl enable --now nginx

With this config, clients can use the folloiwng /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist:

Server = http://repo.7ji.lan/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

and the following /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-3rdparty:

Server = http://repo.7ji.lan/$repo/$arch

and set up their /etc/pacman.conf simply like

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-3rdparty

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-3rdparty

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-3rdparty

Note for ALARM /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist would be a little bit different:

Server = http://repo.7ji.lan/archlinuxarm/$arch/$repo


Install nftables, the modern firewall

sudo pacman -S nftables

Modify /etc/nftables.conf as you like it. Notably you would need to open dhcpv6-client ports on WAN side even if you want to limit WAN access, otherwise you would not be able to get DHCPv6 routing info and prefix delegation.

Mine looks like the following:

define port_wireguard = 51820;
define port_transmission = 51413;
define port_qbittorrent = 60726;
define open_tcp_udp = { dhcpv6-client };
define open_tcp = { $open_tcp_udp, ssh };
define open_udp = { $open_tcp_udp, $port_wireguard };
define allow_forward_wtr_tcp_udp = { $port_transmission, $port_qbittorrent };
define allow_forward_wtr_tcp = { $allow_forward_wtr_tcp_udp, ssh };
define allow_forward_wtr_udp = { $allow_forward_wtr_tcp_udp };
destroy table inet filter
table inet filter {
  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority filter
    policy drop

    ct state invalid drop comment "early drop of invalid connections"
    ct state {established, related} accept comment "allow tracked connections"
    iifname { lo, bridge0, wg0 } accept comment "allow from loopback, lan, and wireguard"
    ip protocol icmp accept comment "allow icmp"
    meta l4proto ipv6-icmp accept comment "allow icmp v6"
    tcp dport $open_tcp accept comment "allow dhcp v6 client, sshd"
    udp dport $open_udp accept comment "allow dhcp v6 client, wireguard"
    pkttype host limit rate 5/second counter reject with icmpx type admin-prohibited
  chain forward {
    type filter hook forward priority filter
    ct state established,related accept comment "allow forwarded established and related flows"
    iifname bridge0 accept comment "allow lan forwarding to wan and wireguard"
    iifname wg0 accept comment "allow wireguard forwarding to lan and wan"
    iifname ens2f3 oifname bridge0 jump forward_wan_lan comment "allow certain wan-lan forwarding"
    policy drop
  chain forward_wan_lan {
    ip6 daddr & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff == ::707f:3ff:feb9:ee5c jump forward_wtr
    # return to chain forward
  chain forward_wtr {
    tcp dport $allow_forward_wtr_tcp accept comment "allow transmission, sshd"
    udp dport $allow_forward_wtr_udp accept comment "allow transmission"
    # return to chain forward_wan_lan

Start nftables firewall

sudo systemctl enable --now nftables


With the above setup you should have a stable and secure network structure. We could also config transparent proxy, but let’s leave it for another post.